Thursday, November 20, 2008


As he said, its all designed this way. The blocks have been made to fit into each other with no voids. A labyrinth as it may seem. But when mulled over the yesteryears, today seems to be more than just perfect.Ah!! feel like a God, sitting right up there, watching myself fixing these jumbled blocks. Let me take a deep breath :) Alpviram!!


g'Krish said...

get back to this post a few years down the line, and it would still make perfect sense! :)

Trevor Penn said...

Dear (feels like) Goddess,
I hope you're having fun playing with your jumbled blocks. I also hope you aren't having so much fun that your "Alpviram" lasts 10 more months or longer. :-)

rashi_pratibimb said...

@Trevor Penn

...hehehe....its all in the and not so much fun,both are a part of the game:)just like true wouldn't be true, if there woudn't be false:)

g'Krish said...

I can see your 'alpviram's getting philosophical here...! :D

"Be the change you want to see in this world!"

Trevor Penn said...

"its all in the and not so much fun,both are a part of the game:)just like true wouldn't be true, if there woudn't be false:)"

How true!!! Or how false!!! Touche'. hahaha :P