They say experience is the best teacher. U make mistakes, u learn. But wat if u still continue doing the same mistake.Every time something happens in life , I make mistakes and then I feel wow! now I have acquired enough of experience and that I'll be able to get along well in any worst situation ahead...I move along with life., The next time something happens, I commit the same mistake again and tell myself, "No Rashi, u need to be careful, dont do the same thing again" and again I do it...haha...seems like this has become more of a habbit now.
I meet people...strangers they are to me...and then they become acquintances....then may be slowly they come under my circle of friends and then all of sudden they again become strangers for reasons that I myself fail to comprehend. It has been such that, I never needed much time to click with somebody, nor did I ever gave it a thought that Mr. X has to be my friend and Mr. Y is not. It was just that Mr. X and I clicked and Mr. Y and I did not. It was never a forced effort to make friends. But lately, I am unconciuosly restricting myself from making friends....most of the new people i meet just remain as strangers or at the best, they reach the status of acquintances.The only three reasons I see to this are that:
One, there are lot many people around me and as I said above experience, I have come across a lot of them with the same old tastes, same old behaviour, same old jokes, same old chats...most of the people I meet will have have the few most common things to ask like- "so wats up?", "How are things at ur end", How is work coming along", "How was weekend" and blah blah blah.....not that I dont ask the same questions....but yes, now I do try to avoid them. And if in case u meet a person who u think is a lil. different from the rest, he/she spoils the show the moment he says, "I am different" for probably being different has itself become a cliche now......
Second, I am scared to get close to anyone for the fear of loosing them. I get close to people, share my joys, share my sorrows and then when I feel, yes now he/she is my good friend, they leave your life...the reason may be any family, career or even a fight.
Third, if I like someone, he/she doesnt like me and if he/she likes me I dont like him/her.
But ultimately people come and go....change your life in their own small way, teach you different things, u experience life, cherish some moments and sometimes may even want to undo some others.....changes keep coming your way and change becomes the only thing constant in life.
i came by ..
First of all, its not important to have LOTS of friends. What matters is how true they are, how helpful and how committed they are.
everyone's life take some turn or the other, when they step in to the real world after spending years in schools/colleges being protected/pampered by friends and family members. This is tough as for most of the time, your family memebers may not be physically around. your friends, who stood by you in your every moment of joy and sorrow may now be placed in some other location and may not be there when you need them most.
But one should realize that he/she is not alone fighting such brainwaves. I guess its absolutely natural to suspect whether the latest person in your list of aquaintances will be as good as your existing friends. Well, I would say, give them some time before judging.
nice to know your comments i said, its life and it goes on ....:)
by the way, can I know your full name....from your nick name sittu I cant figure out who are you from Mamta's class.
I would prefer not to write my full name.
.....any specific reasons for that???....I mean its like I know you and still I dont know you!
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